Confessions of a Chocolate Addict
Well, I have to take it easy because of back pain and so I have time to post things. Not too much to say though. I feel bad because I didn't make it to church today. I think God will understand. I can barely walk across my living room, much less down an aisle of church.
I am feeling better though. Just in time to get the kids ready for school! I am still so far behind. I just have to get more organized. I feel like for every step I take I go three steps back. And the last couple days have been wasted on mindless television and heating pads! Oh, and I shouldn't forget, chocolate ice cream. Way too much chocolate nutty cone ice cream. And chocolate panda paws, and hot fudge.
Okay, so I am a chocolate addict. It finally comes out. My not so secret secret. Now you know. I hope you won't hate me for it. Or maybe it will make you want to stop and leave your own chocolate confessions.
I am feeling better though. Just in time to get the kids ready for school! I am still so far behind. I just have to get more organized. I feel like for every step I take I go three steps back. And the last couple days have been wasted on mindless television and heating pads! Oh, and I shouldn't forget, chocolate ice cream. Way too much chocolate nutty cone ice cream. And chocolate panda paws, and hot fudge.
Okay, so I am a chocolate addict. It finally comes out. My not so secret secret. Now you know. I hope you won't hate me for it. Or maybe it will make you want to stop and leave your own chocolate confessions.
At 8:12 PM,
Sudiegirl said…
Ultimate chocolate treat: Chocolate Fudge pop-tarts, fresh from the toaster, spread with Jif peanut butter.
Remember, choosy mothers choose Jif. There was actually a party band in Iowa City (where I went to college) called Jif and the Choosy Mothers. Should have gotten a t-shirt...
P.S. No offense to the first commenter, but did that seem like a commercial or what? Bleah!
At 5:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
hi, saw u through sudie. nice blog! come by mine, comment, and i'll link 2 u. then u please link 2me.
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