Back from Boston

It has been really crazy for about two months now. I want to write more than this but things are so nuts!!
Take this weekend for instance. The hubby and I drove eight hours with nine children to visit my cousin and aunt in Boston.
We had a lot of fun. We went to the aquarium and it was simply awesome. We didn't get to see too much of Boston because we had to come back on Monday, but we did get to Quincy Market. We are going to try to get back this summer so we can see some more and really walk around the city. The kids were really good, except for the two year old. On the way back to Buffalo we did make a few stops. We stopped at the Divine Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge and at the Martyre's Shrine in Aureisville.
But that was not enough stops for her. She screamed a lot about getting out of her seat, and the tension was hot for awhile. Everyone gets crabby when Amelia gets crabby!!
Home, sweet, home! I am trying to restore order to my home but it is slow moving! Plus I am a tad bit tired too. Hubby went back to work and kids are back at school. Baby and toddler are napping. All is well at the homestead! I should be getting much done!!
Okay, back to work I go.
Hi, ho, hi ho!
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