My Poor, Sick Baby
My Little one is so sick. She has a bad cough and a runny nose. But she is still such a good natured baby! How did I get so extra blessed with this one? She is so sweet and very cute as you can see. Her sisters love to take lots of pictures of her so she won't ever have to feel bad about being baby number nine! We have more pictures of her than we do of our oldest!!
I am so sleepy. I have been sleeping on the couch so that I can take better care of her. We have an old couch that is broken down. Not the best for sleeping. Plus it is cold and I don't want to turn on the furnace until the guy comes next week to clean it. And hubby told me he will vacuum out the vents. Lots and lots of junk in those babies!!
so ever since I went to meet the teacher's night at my oldest daughter's high school, something has been bothering me. One of the teachers had a baby seven weeks ago and she not only teaches at the high school two days a week, she and her husband are professors who teach at a local college. My Emily told me that the baby is in day care. How on God's green earth could someone leave their precious newborn in day care? I just can't understand it. They came from our bodies ladies!! We nurtured them for nine months. But it doesn't stop there. I am sorry, I know that it is not cool to bring these things up but I am speaking for these poor babies who wake up looking for mommy. Don't fool yourself by thinking that they don't. My baby's face lights up when I come into her view. She does know the difference. She is happy, safe and secure knowing that when she is hungry, wet or just plain bored, I will be there to take care of her. She has the comfort of her home and she gets plenty of stimulation when I take her with me to the grocery store, church for Mass, or just running errands in the van with her two year old sister. I could not leave her with a group of people who will put her on their schedule. Plus babies need love, the kind of love only mom can give. No one will love your baby the way that you do.
Listen, if you are just not the motherly type...... don't have kids! Get yourself a poodle and become a big executive. If you are a mother, BE ONE. Don't tell me that it is not fulfilling enough, or that you will be bored. I have been home with my kids for twelve years now and I am far from bored!! Life is what you make it. Every day can be an adventure. Take the baby out for a walk. Go to the zoo, the mall, the park! But pull that kid out of day care and love them to pieces.
I know that I will never win any awards for being an outstanding woman in my career. But who cares. I am raising human beings, to love and nurture and care about their world and those around them. You cannot learn that in day care. If your own mother doesn't love you enough to stay home and take care of you, then who will love you. Selfish, selfish, selfish.
I should add, I am not talking about those of you who have no choice. But I will tell you what, I would go through the fires of hell to figure out how to stay home with my seven week old.
Okay, sorry not so light hearted but this is my blog, not yours. Besides, the only people who read this are going to try to get me to go to their website and look for singles! Or sell stuff from home.....etc, etc, etc!
See ya,
The mother of all mothers
I am so sleepy. I have been sleeping on the couch so that I can take better care of her. We have an old couch that is broken down. Not the best for sleeping. Plus it is cold and I don't want to turn on the furnace until the guy comes next week to clean it. And hubby told me he will vacuum out the vents. Lots and lots of junk in those babies!!

Listen, if you are just not the motherly type...... don't have kids! Get yourself a poodle and become a big executive. If you are a mother, BE ONE. Don't tell me that it is not fulfilling enough, or that you will be bored. I have been home with my kids for twelve years now and I am far from bored!! Life is what you make it. Every day can be an adventure. Take the baby out for a walk. Go to the zoo, the mall, the park! But pull that kid out of day care and love them to pieces.
I know that I will never win any awards for being an outstanding woman in my career. But who cares. I am raising human beings, to love and nurture and care about their world and those around them. You cannot learn that in day care. If your own mother doesn't love you enough to stay home and take care of you, then who will love you. Selfish, selfish, selfish.
I should add, I am not talking about those of you who have no choice. But I will tell you what, I would go through the fires of hell to figure out how to stay home with my seven week old.
Okay, sorry not so light hearted but this is my blog, not yours. Besides, the only people who read this are going to try to get me to go to their website and look for singles! Or sell stuff from home.....etc, etc, etc!
See ya,
The mother of all mothers